Monday, October 15, 2007

# 7 Blog about technology

I remember in high school using a mouse for the first time on one of the special 'graphic' computers.


I couldnt understand how anyone could control the thing to design a picture. At that time my computer experience was writing a basic program that counted down from 10 and then the text blast off, and a sister who at uni used punch cards.

Even at Uni the computers were DOS based. A mouse was only for the arty-farty and/or mac users. The Sanyo computers were only 90% compatible with Word and it was before wysiwyg - all I will say is that it made word-processing an assignment interesting.

It makes me feel like a dinosaur, but at least when I started work full time in a public library we did have computers, even if they werent pcs.

And now where would we be without the 'mouse'?
(I still have trouble using a track-ball 0r touch pad.)

As I said my first experiences still haunt me - so I am always very understanding and patient with those members of our adorable public who have never used a mouse before.

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